¿Qué es el espectro autista? ¿Cómo se estudia desde la neurociencia?
Escribí en el McGill Daily sobre innovadoras técnicas de neuroimagen que se utilizan actualmente para estudiar el momento en que los cerebros de los niños con trastornos del espectro autista empiezan a funcionar de modo distinto. Pronto, la traducción a español en este blog.
Crédito de imagen: Claire Grenier, The McGill Daily
My latest article in the McGill Daily speaks about some cutting-edge neuroimaging techniques being used at McGill to study when the brains of children with autistic spectrum disorders start to function differently.
"So far, the question remains: where and when in this long series of steps do autistic children’s brains start to function differently? Do they have trouble with attending to and organizing what we receive through our five senses? Or is their condition related to more complex functions, such as combining the information and analyzing it?"